Enchantment of online gaming in the Asia Pacific market was very unusual. There are 51 percent of Internet users in the region who access the online gaming sites. They spent an average of 87 minutes at online gaming sites.
Thus the results of research studies presented comScore about online gaming in Asia Pacific during August 2008, quoted by MarketWatch, Wednesday (15/10/2008).
"The game online is one of the categories of the largest and most interesting sites in the region. It's a good opportunity for many advertisers, "said Will Hodgman, comScore executive vice president of International.
Among the many gaming sites, the site QQ.com Games didapuk as the most visited sites with a total of more than 44 million visitors during the month of August. In second place is Yahoo! Games with a total 20.2 million visitors, followed by 4399.com with 20 million visitors.
QQ.com Games also was asked as the most attractive gaming sites on kasawan Asia Pacific, where all visitors on average visit the site for 47 minutes, followed by 4399.com (38 minutes) and Yahoo Games (35 minutes).
Here are 10 most visited sites, not including those accessible via public computers such as internet cafe or from a mobile phone / PDA.
1. QQ.COM Games
2. Yahoo! Games
3. 4399.com
4. Nexon Corporation
5. 17173.com
6. Sdo.com
8. Sina Games
9. 9wee.com
10. 52pk.com
From the study also revealed that China has the highest penetration for access of online gaming. Carrying nearly 55 percent of Internet users in the country's bamboo curtain (approximately 90 million users) who access the online gaming sites.
Singapore followed with a penetration of 50 percent and Australia 45 percent. While India has the lowest penetration with only 27 percent percent.
Access time
Judging from the time, turned out to South Korean Internet users spend the most time on online gaming sites where visitors on average each spent more than 3 hours on that site.
Followed by Taiwan with a record time of 151 minutes per visitor, Hong Kong 143 minutes per visitor and Singapore 140 minutes per visitor.