~ Stroke Ringan/Berat
~ Lemah Jantung
~ Gangguan Pernapasan
~ Diabetes
~ Asam Urat
~ Kista
~ Hipertensi
~ Liper
~ Maag Kronis
~ Tumor
~ Kanker
~ Batu Ginjal
~ Asma
~ Kolestrol
~ Amandel
~ Pendarahan Hebat
~ Kembali Perawan
~ Keseleo
~ Lumpuh
~ Patah Tulang
~ Ejakulasi Dini
~ Impoten
~ Gangguan Mahluk Gaib
~ Terkena guna-guna. Dll

Terbukti ampuh membuka Kharisma seseorang hingga pancaran aura bersinar amat terang.
~ Mahar I. Rp. 4.000.000,-
~ II. Rp.800.000,-
~ III. Rp.1.200.000,-

Ajian Arjuna
Ajian ini sangat bagus untuk anda kaum Pria yang akan membuat anda tampak lebih tampan, berwibawa, disegani banyak orang, dan disukai banyak kaum wanita.
~ Mahar Rp.800.000,-
~ Tingkat sempurna Rp. 1.500.000,-

Menjadikan seorang pria senantiasa tampak awet muda, tampan, gagah, perkasa, berwibawa, percaya diri dan memancarkan aura ketampanan seperti nabi Yusuf.
~ Mahar Rp.800.000,-
~ Tingkat sempurna Rp.2.000.000,-


Kegunaannya: Jaga diri, kekebalan, Pernapasan (tenaga dalam) kebal air keras pengasihan, pelancar usaha, disegani banyak orang, penolak santet/sihir sebangsa Jin, dll.
~ Mahar Tingkat I Rp.2.000.000,-
~ Tingkat II Rp. 4.000.000,-
~ Tingkat III Rp. 6.000.000,-

Kasiat kegunaan, untuk kekebalan badan, tidak mampu ditikam, ditembak, dipukul.
~ Mahar Tingkat I Rp.2.500.000,-
~ Mahar Tingkat II Rp.5.000.000,-

Kegunaannya: Disegani orang, memperlancar rizqi.
~ Mahar Rp.1.000.000,-

~ Mahar Rp.800.000,-

~ Mahar RP.1.200.000,-

~ Mahar Rp.2.000.000


Spesial khusus buat memanggil pemanggilan pasangan / kekasih yang berpaling/ingin ingkar (juga pada orang yang pergi tanpa pamit) dalam sekejap segera pulang.
Mahar Rp.400.000,-
Khusus Rp.1.600,000,-

Khusus untuk mempercepat penjualan apa saja (tanah, rumah, dll) segera terjual dengan harga bagus. Juga berfungsi untuk penglaris.
Mahar Rp.400.000,-
Khusus Rp.1.600.000,-

Mematikan ingatan (birahi) para suami yang suka jajan diluar dan diprogram birahinya hanya untuk istrinya meskipun berjauhan berbulan-bulan dan tidak tergoda oleh secantik apapun wanita. Sebaliknya istri yang selama ini suka berselingkuh dibikin birahinya hanya untuk suaminya. Rumah tangga anda pasti aman, tanpa ada selingkuh lagi dan harmonis. (kirimkan nama ayah, dan celana dalam pasangan anda) Mahar Rp. 500.000,-
Tingkat I Rp.1.500.000,-
Tingkat II Rp.3.000.000,-
Tingkat Sempurna Rp.5.500.000,-

Daya tarik tingkat tinggi, memperlancar rezeki, mempercepat perjodohan, menarik simpati pejabat/pimpinan, menambah lengket pasangan, dll. (kirim nama ayah) cantik dan unik. Mahar Rp. 2.000.000,-

Anda merasa dijahui jodoh? Lawan jenis/sejenis, yang anda lirik selalu menjauhi anda? Wajah kusam tanpa rona? Rezeki seret? Selalu dikucilkan  teman? Semua sial yang ada di tubuh anda akan dibuang... dan keberuntungan akan selalu bersama anda. (nama dan nama ayah) Mahar Rp. 865.000,-

Merubah wajah tua menjadi muda (40 tahu kelihatan 25 tahun) bukan wajah gemerlap jadi cerah ceria dan kelihatan tampil sempurna, mengencangkan kulit wajah dan badan anda pasti tampil cantik/tampan sangat luar biasa... didepan lawan jenis/sejenis (untuk pria dan wanita) tanpa  pantangan dan efek samping. Cocok buat sales, pekerja malam/hiburan/artis dan umum. (kirim nama dan nama ayah) bisa jarak jauh. Khasiat sama dengan sususk emas, berlian, dll. Mahar Rp. 865.000,- Paket II termasuk ruwatan sengkolo/sial mahar Rp. 1.600.000,-

Majikan yang semena-mena bawahan akan bikin tunduk, sayang dan perhatian pada bawahannya, membentengi diri dari segala serangan kebathinan. Anda bikin aman dan nyaman dalam menjalani rutinitas anda sehari-hari (nama dan nama ayah). Mahar Rp. 850.000,-

Ajian gendam yang mampu menggerakkan jiwa seseorang yang kita tuju, supaya bertekuk lutut, tidak pelit serta menuruti kemauan kita. Teruji keberhasilannya. Mahar Rp. 400.000,- Khusus Rp. 1.500.000,-

Berguna membuka aura kecantikan dan ketampanan abadi, terlihat berwibawa, dihormati, disegani, awet muda sepanjang masa. Selain itu untuk pegangan hidup agar selalu jaya, karier lancar, usaha maju dan membuat percaya diri bagi pemakainya. Mahar Rp. 1.000.000,- Khusus Rp. 3.000.000,-

Ritual khusus untuk menarik sekaligus menyatukan kembali suami/istri/kekasih yang lama atau baru berpisah (walaupun tidak keberadaannya). Insya Allah semua bisa dibuat cinta kangen rindu dan setianya menjadi tunduk dan patuh pada anda (paten dan permanen). bisa untuk orang minggat. Mahar Rp. 800.000,-
Khusus Rp.1.800.000,-

Pengasihan ilmu ampuh ini berkekuatan maha dahsyat, cepat dan mujarap karena secara langsung menembus dan menguasai sukma bathin dan akal fikiran orang yang anda tuju sehingga menjadi cinta, kangen, rindu, lengket dan ingin selalu dekat pada anda, dengan sarana berjabat tangan, pandangan mata, asap rokok, makanan/minuman. Mahar Rp. 600.000,-

Apabila sususk sudah disatukan anda tampil luar biasa, siapa yang memandang akan terpesona, daya pengasihan yang terpancar sangat dahsyat, aura yang gemerlap sungguh menakjubkan. Membuat anda cantik atau tampan, awet muda, pasangan selalu lengket, pedar aura mistis, daya tarik atau pikat, wajah bersinar, anggun mempesona, taklukkan hanya dengan senyuman. Manfaatnya lebih ampuh dari susuk apapun, setelah diselaraskan akan langsung fokus ke seluruh tubuh. Anda akan mengalami perubahan yang sangat drastis, mengagumkan serta membuat kulit dan wajah lebih bercahaya, memancarkan daya tarik yang auranya bisa langsung dirasakan orang disekeliling, memunculkan pesona kharismatik, membuat kecantikan-ketampanan secara lami, menetralisir kekuatan jahat, pelarisan, pelancaran usaha apapun, kesuksesan akan membuat anda bahagia. Mahar Wojo Rp. 750.000,-. Emas Rp. 1.000.000,- Intan Rp. 1.500.000,- Berlian Rp. 2.000.000,- Samber Lilin Rp. 3.000.000,-

TERBUKTI LUAR BIASA!!! Silahkan bercermin sebelum dipasang susuk, akan jelas kelihatan bedanya... anda akan tampil cantik sempurna dengan spontan. Lebih percaya diri AWET MUDA sepanjang masa. AURA bersinar, tampil anggun dan mempesona. Melangkah pasti dengan kecantikan tiada tara, siapapun yang memandang akan luluh hantinya, tunduk dan terpesona. Anda tmpil bak bidadari kayangan, menjadi pusat perhatian orang dan menjadu idola kaum lelaki. kulit & wajah manis berseri, tampil JOSS sempurna total dengan wajah bersinar menawan, kharismatik, daya pengasihan, memuluskan karier  dan kelancaran rizqi serta bikin pasangan/suami makin lengker dan tergila-gila.
MAHAR WOJO Rp. 1.500.000,- Emas Rp. 2.000.000,- Intan Rp. 3.500.000,- Berlian Rp. 5.000.000,- Samber Lilin Rp. 7.500.000,- - 8.500.000,- - 10.000.000,-

Sangat cocok untuk ibu-ibu yang suami pelit, pekerja malam (BAR, CAFE, DISKOTIK) sales, marketing, bisnis, agar bisa dengan mudah mendapatkan harta dari pasangan/tamu/klien, diperhatikan semua ucapan, pelarisan, pengasihan, AWET MUDA, tampil sempurna dengan wajah bersinar AYU/TAMPAN. Mahar WOJO Rp. 750.000,- Emas Rp. 1.000.000,- Intan Rp. 1.500.000,- Berlian Rp. 2.000.000,- Samber Lilin Rp. 3.000.000,-

Spesial pelarisan untuk pekerja malam, agar banyak tamu, pelanggan, memperkuat posisi istri muda/simpanan, membuka aura, kecantikan , daya tarik, awet muda, meluluhkan setiap hati pasangan/hati kaum adam. MAHAR WOJO Rp. 550.000,- Emas Rp. 1.000.000,- Intan Rp. 1.500.000,- Berlian Rp. 2.000.000,- Samber Lilin Rp. 3.000.000,-

Anda sudah bosan? buka aura kemana-mana tidak ada hasilnya? Wajah gelap, kusam, umur muda kelihatan tua, kurang menarik? ini solusi yang tepat untuk anda. Mudah... tanpa pantangan dan efek samping AURA anda langsung terbuka, mengandung daya tarik, pikat yang sungguh hebat, sehingga bikin orang lainkagum, membedah total sisi AURA GELAP anda menjadi terang, membuka diri anda lebih menarik, sedap di pandang, kharismatik, faktor keberuntungan dan dampak positif akan segera anda raih. Meliputi ketenangan, keharmonisan, cinta, citra dan popularitas. Membuat diri anda lebih yakin dengan penampilan AWET MUDA, PESONA, KESUKSESAN DAN MENJADI PUSAT PERHATIAN ORANG. Mahar Wojo Rp. 750.000,- Emas Rp. 1.000.000,- Intan Rp. 1.500.000,- Berlian 2.000.000,- Samber lilin Rp. 3.000.000,-

Samber lilin yang sudah disempurnakan dengan penggabungan pelet “TINGKAT TINGGI” dengan berlapis-lapis dalam proses ritual, sehingga bisa disebut Samber Lilin Pamungkas. Akan berfungsi sebagai “PANAH ASMARA” paling akurat, hanya dengan pandangan, senyuman dan tepukan, lelaki akan bertekuk lutut. Tidak mustahil pasangan akan setia selamanya. Mahar biasa Rp. 1.500.000,- Khusus Rp. 2.000.000,- Istimewa Rp. 3.000.000,-

Dengan media “Bunga Cempaka” yang sudah di ritualkan secara khusus, sehingga pnya kegaiban yang “Luar Bisa” susuk pemikat yang jarang ditemui dizaman sekarang, dapat memikat siapa saja yang diinginkan. Yang benci menjadi cinta, yang cinta semakin sayang, bahkan musuhpun bisa berbalik menjadi kasih dan sayang serta menghormati. MELOBY BISNIS & MENAGKAN TENDER, “AURA” cinta akan selalu memancar disetiap arah dan langkah, sehingga membuat yang memandang “TERPANA”. Mahar Biasa Rp. 1.000.000,- khusus Rp. 1.500.000,- Istimewa Rp. 3.000.000,-

Tiada duanya, lengkap dan serba guna, banyak di pakai PEJABAT, ARTIS, SELEBRITIS, PENGUSAHA, & orang-orang “TERKEMUKA”. Seluruh manfaat Susuk Mega Bintang, SusukTujuh Bidadari, Susuk Semar Mesem - Jaran Goyang, Susuk pengeretan Sapu regel, Susuk Kanthil Dewi Cinta, Susuk Aura Rembulan, Susuk Samber Lilin Pamungkas dan Susuk Kembang Arum sudah jadi satu didalam Susuk Melati Keraton, sehingga siap menyongsong kesuksesan dalam waktu singkat. Mahar Emas Rp. 3.500.000,- Intan Rp. 5.500.000,- Berlian Rp. 7.500.000,- Samber Lilin Kesepakatan.

Spesial Pengasihan yang luar biasa, senyuman anda akan membuat siapapun hanyut luluh, semua mata yang memandang akan terpesona, daya pengasihan yang demikian hebat akan terpancar setiap saat, meluluhkan setiap pasangan, atasan, bawahan, klien bisnis, dan menjadi pusat perhatian, lebih wibawa tapi menebar pesona. Faktor keberuntungan dan dampak positif akan secepatnya anda raih, meliputi ketenangan, keharmonisan, kesuksesan, cinta dan popularitas, sehingga membuat diri anda lebih yakin dengan penampilan pesona kesuksesan. Mahar Baja Rp. 550.000,- Emas Rp. 1.000.000,- Intan Rp. 1.500.000,- Berlian Rp. 2.000.000,- Samber Lilin Rp. 3.000.000,-

Solusi bagi ibu-ibu yang suami pelit, istri muda, pekerja malam agar pasangan lebih royal dan mudah memberi harta atau apa yang kita minta pasangan lebih sayang, marketing pelaku bisnis agar diperhatikan semua ucapan , mempengaruhi klien, menimbulkan welan asih, daya pesona yang luar bisa. Mahar Baja Rp. 550.000,- Emas Rp. 1.000.000,- Intan Rp. 1.500.000,- Berlian Rp. 2.000.000,- Samber Lilin Rp. 3.000.000,-

Khusus pelaris pekerja malam, agar banyak tamu, pelanggan, pasangan welas asih, royal memberi harta, apa yang kita minta selalu diperhatikan, diberikan. Pelaris / Pelancar usaha apapun, menarik pembeli, pelanggan agar usaha cepat maju dan berkembang.
Mahar Baja Rp. 550.000,-
Emas Rp. 1.000.000,-
Intan Rp. 1.500.000,-
Berlian Rp. 2.000.000,-
Samber Lili Rp. 3.000.000,-

Cukup dioleskan di ujung jari, sekali colek langsung yang dituju keedanan dan tergila-gila baik sejenis maupun lawan jenis sekaligus dapat meruntuhkan kesombongannya.
Mahar Rp. 400.000,-
Khusus Rp.1.500.000,-

Dikhususkan untuk para pria/suami yang sudah terlanjur memiliki istri lebih dari satu atau lebih, untuk dipersatukan agar menjadi rukun dan damai, tidak terjadi kecekcokan/menjadi akur.
Mahar Rp. 400.000,-
Khusus Rp.1.000.000,-

Bagi anda yang terlambat jodoh, jangan takut dan jangan risau dengan ritual dan memakai azimat ini, Insya Allah dalam waktu 41 hari Anda akan bertemu teman dan akan menjadi jodohnya.
Mahar Rp. 800.000,-
Khusus Rp.1.400.000,-

Sesombong dan seangkuh orang yang anda taksir runtuh seketika bila menghirup asap rokok yang telah diisi dan dimantrai, ilmu pelet tingkat tinggi Warisan Karuhun Banten, bisa membuat korbannya tunduk takluk pasrah jiwa raga selamanya. Mahar Rp. 800.000,-

Dikhususkan bagi yang sulit jodoh, sering gagal dalam pacaran, sering ditolak lawan jenis. Akan segera mendapatkan jodoh idaman, tidak mengenal batas usia sekalipun anda berumur 40 tahun. Mahar Rp. 350.000,- Khusus Rp. 550.000,-

Setelah diusapkan wajah, pancaran daya pikat asihnya mampu meruntuhkan hati laki-laki, hanya sekejap dalam pandangan Dia sudah ada dipelukan (cocok bagi wanita yang bekerja di tempat hiburan/entertainment, bisa untuk pasangan sejenis, gay, lesbi). - Bedak ini bisa untuk mengobati penyakit kulit diwajah - Menghaluskan kulit muka. Cerah merona. Mahar Rp. 750.000,- Istimewa Rp. 2.000.000,- Garapan Khusus Mahar Rp. 3.500.000,-

Sangat ampuh bagi anda yang selalu ditimpa kesialan dan masalah, sulit jodoh,  kerja, selalu gagal dalam bisnis dan usaha. Ritual Rp. 390.000,- Khusus Rp. 690.000,-

Anda sudah berkorban jiwa raga lahir bathin segala cara upaya telah anda lakukan untuk meluluhkan hati bos/majikan agar jadi loyal sekaligus menundukkan hati orang yang anda tuju, agar menuruti dan mengabulkan semua permintaan anda serta menepati janjinya dengan perantara khodam ini siapapun orang yang baik didalam maupun diluar negeri atau tinggal ditempat yang anda tidak tahu keberadaannya akan kembali datang untuk memberikan semua yang anda inginkan. Harta benda, uang atau apapun yang anda mau akan langsung diberikan dengan kesadarannya sendiri tanpa berkelit lagi dan andapun tidak harus bersusah paya membujuk dan merayunya.
Mahar I Rp.2.500.000, -
Mahar II Rp. 6.500.000,-
Mahar III Rp.12.500.000,-

Jika sukma terjerat ajian ini, maka rasanya hanya pengen ketemu rindu menangis, kangen setelah mati,  membuat sidia tergila-gila & ingin selalu dekat dengan anda.
Mahar Rp. 650.000,-
Khusus Rp. 1.300.000,-

Cukup dipakai bagi wanita yang ingin permintaannya dituruti dan morotin harta pasangannya, cincin ini cocok untuk wanita malam atau istri simpanan (wanita matrealistis) mahar Rp. 650.000,- Khusus Rp. 2.000.000,- Istimewa Rp. 3.000.000,-

Membuka aura yang tertutup sehingga memiliki aura yang mampu menarik banyak orang, jadikan percaya diri, karir meningkat tidak diremehkan, mudah bergaul dan wajah nampak awet muda. Mahar 590.000,- khusus Rp. 990.000,-

Semua keinginan anda akan dituruti. Susuk ini mempunyai daya magic tinggi. Khusus untuk pengeretan, menghabiskan uang sang pacar.
Mahar Rp. 2.000.000,- Khusus Rp.4.000.000,-


Sebangkrut dan sesepi apapun usaha anda, Insya Allah inti Waqi’ah menjadi solusinya, cocok bagi yang ingin membuka usaha baru maupun yang sudah mengalami kebangkrutan. Bukan pelaris biasa. Mahar Rp. 350.000,- Khusus Rp. 900.000,-

Keselamatan lahir dan Batin mutlak anda perlukan untuk diri anda, keluarga, rumah/toko dan tempat usaha anda, dari ganguan fisik maupun gangguan gaib. Mahar Rp. 539.000,- Istimewa Rp. 2.000.000,-

Agar rumah anda aman dari bahaya  pencuri dan perampokan, rumah akan terlihat seperti lautan yang bergelombang seperti hutan belantara, bila pencuri masuk tidak akan bisa keluar (hilang kesadaran, bingung dan linglung) rumah juga terhindar dari kebakaran dll. (kirim nama dan nama ayah pemilik rumah) Mahar Rp. 800.000,- Khusus Rp. 2000.000,-

Lesu karena kebathinan? akan dibikin laris pesat dalam waktu dekat. Dengan anda akan dipenuhi pembeli dan untung barokah. (Syarat nama  dan nama ayah pemilik dagangan)
Mahar Rp. 800.000,-

Sarana untuk memikat dan memperlancar bisnis atau usaha apapun yang anda jalankan, menuju kesuksesan, menarik pembeli dan berbagai arah. Juga membersihkan, memagari dan menangkal pengaruh jahat baik secara manusiawi/gaib, dari tempat lokasi maupun dari lawan bisnis anda. Mahar Rp. 1.200.000,-

SERBAGUNA...!!! Terbuka ampuh, mau usaha apa saja, mau jual apa saja, mau kerja siang/malam. Pasti banyak pembeli, pelanggan, bisnis lancar. Cocok bagi yang mulai buka usaha sampai yang usaha sepi, menarik pembeli, pelanggan dan membuka aura tempat usaha serta diri anda.
Mahar Rp. 850.000,-

Khusus untuk penglaris usaha dagang besar/kecil agar dagangannya ramai, banyak pembeli dan cepat laku. Jual tanah, rumah, kantor, pabrik dengan harga bagus. Mahar Rp.990.000,-

Mudah pemakaiannya, cukup ditaruh ditempat menyimpan uang, atau ditaruh diatas pintu toko, bisa menarik pelanggan dari tempat penjuru arah, usaha jadi laris manis jika ditanam bisa menangkal berbagai sihir, guna-guna, tuyul, nyumpang dan berbagai macam bentuk pasugihan.
Mahar Rp. 950.000,-

Apapun jenis usaha anda, akan dibuat maju, ramai pelanggan, job mengalir, usaha sekala kecil ataupun besar sekaligus. Menangkal energi negative lawan usaha anda. Mendatangkan keberkahan hasil usaha anda. Cukup di taruh ditempat laci uang.
Mahar biasa Rp. 800.000,-
Khusus Rp. 1.600.000,-

Cara mempercepat menjual tanah, rumah, toko, dll. Sesuai dengan harga yang anda inginkan. Mahar Rp. 1.200.000,-

Apapun usaha anda besar maupun kecil dalam waktu relatif singkat akan maju pesat, untung besar, modal bertambah, laris manis, banyak pembeli dan pelanggan tetap memenangkan persaingan dagang, membersihkan sekaligus membuka kiriman black magic yang akan menutup usaha dangan anda dari segala penjuru, juga bisa untuk cepat laku jual tanah, rumah, pabrik, toko dan kendaraan, dll. Dalam waktu singkat bisa laku terjual, cocok dengan harga yang anda tawarkan.
Mahar Rp. 650.000
Khusus Rp.1.500.000,-

Cocok untuk pengusaha, bisnisman, pedagang, dll. Yang ingin meningkatkan pemasukan keuangan secara drastis, uang ini sanggup mendatangkan rejeki dalam waktu singkat dari segala arah. Apapun usaha anda bertambah maju & laris. Uang ini bisa diwariskan. Mahar Tk.I Rp. 500.000,- Tk.II Rp. 1.000.000,-  Tk.II Rp. 2.000.000,-

Tanah yang diritualkan memiliki kekuatan penderas rizki, memperlancar usaha, bisnis yang akan bangkrut menjadi maju serta menjaga dari gangguan gaib pesaing.
Mahar Rp. 890.000,-
Khusus Rp. 2.000.000,-

10 most popular games on Facebook Most popular

Make feature this time to remind us on a funny video contains a poem titled Mother and up who ever appeared on Youtube. Yak, right. In this article we will involve up as the most popular social network in Indonesia today. More precisely still, this time will feature titled, "10 up the Most Addictive Game." So turn on your computer, log into your account up, and try to play ten games we mentioned below. Oh yes, the feature this time there is no such thing as rank, so the ten games we mentioned below have been prepared not by rank.

1. Mafia Wars
Nah indisputable again, artificial Zynga games this one is very popular and addictive. You could say Mafia Wars is a game that could make our long hours at the computer staring at the page Mafia Wars. Mafia Wars we can classify as a game easy to play, even for beginners though. But even so it does not mean the game is not suitable for hardcore gamers, even the longer missions on offer will be more advanced and challenging. So do not regard lightly ya! The main points to play Mafia Wars is a kingdom of yours into a big mafia. You can enrich yourself, expanded the business or strengthen your group.

Having lots of friends is not a necessity in Mafia Wars, but it would be good if you have several friends who join your group. The reason they can you lift the top mafia who have special positions such as, Mastermind, Wheelman, Button Man, Bodyguard, Safecracker and Bagman. Each of the top mafia will provide the ability bonuses to players according to their positions. In addition, the number of friends that many would strengthen the power of attack or defense. So the more crowded the more fun cuy!

2. Texas Hold'em Poker
Texas Hold'em Poker is a Texas-style poker game that is on Facebook. Anyway, if you enjoy playing poker, this game can be an effective means to kill time. Imagine the pleasure of playing poker with many people at once or hone your skills with the masters of international poker. Texas Hold'em Poker on Facebook, provides a weekly tournament that has a list of ratings. So you can demonstrate the ability to people around the world and become the greatest god of gambling on Facebook. Who knew you could even become a real gambling gods who competed in Las Vegas or Macao.

Card game created in Robstown, Texas in the 1900's this was first introduced in Las Vegas in 1967. Professional gambler Crandell Addington, claimed first saw Texas Hold'em Poker in 1959. Formerly known as Texas Hold'em Hold'em, without augmentation Texas. The most noticeable difference between Texas Hold'em with regular poker game is, the chance to bet. In poker, you can only bet twice. While in Texas Hold'em Poker, you can bet four times. Additional double occasion, make an analysis (or mathematical strategy) games, far more complicated than in ordinary poker. This makes Texas Hold'em Poker so popular.

3. Pet Society
Playfish Pet Society is a game that was released for social networks Facebook and MySpace. The theme of this game is pretty simple, basically you will have a pet that we can be designed arbitrarily. If you already have an animal, you can take a walk, play ball or buy her clothes. Later, every activity you do will result in a trophy. Well, this is the trophy that shows your status in the game. So do not be surprised if your friend on Facebook shows the trophies which they have in Pet Society. Besides trophies, we also have to take care of our pets, bathe, feed and much more. Anyway baseball away from Tamagochi deh! The difference, at Pet Society we can play together with friends and visit each other.

Finding money is an obligation on the Pet Society, because it is impossible without adequate money we earn trophies associated with shopping for a pet.

4. Restaurant City
Like to cook? But not yet understand how to open a restaurant? Restaurant City Mainlah game! We guarantee you'll be good at managing a restaurant! Nah deng, hehehe .. we are actually addicted for hours staring at the computer game City Restaurant. As a new game, Restaurant City very quickly capture customer. Not until half a year, active users of Restaurant City already soaring. All that is achieved bekat simple but addictive gameplay that seems to have become a trademark Playfish.

In accordance with the title, here we will build the food business, from the beginning that only a small shop to become a famous restaurant. Each level increases could expand the area and increase the number of employees who will work in your restaurant. Uniquely, the employees of the restaurant you can take your friends list who is on Facebook. So have many friends in Facebook can be a plus when playing the game itself Restaurant City. Many options cuy! (Though still too influential baseball too).

5. YoVille
You could say when playing YoVille we will be faced with a similar feeling when we play a series of The Sims. So for fans of serial-bonekaan doll, aka The Sims, YoVille might be regarded as a simplified version of the game. In YoVille we can play some interesting minigame that can generate money. Later we can use the money to buy furniture or clothes for your character.

YoVille Although similar to The Sims, as a developer Zynga YoVille not outright copying all the features of The Sims. Just imagine if all the features of The Sims (mainly feature makes descent) was present in YoVille. Can-can this game will get a mature rating and we can not play on Facebook.

Note: try typing rude words in English, almost all the words are replaced with the phrase "yadda".

6. Premier Football
Well, this one fits the game really for dimainin football lovers whose hobby daydream create famous team consists of the super star. How to play Premier Football, very similar to football manager games such as Championship Manager and Football Manager. The difference of this game with Championship Manager and Football Manager is a much more simple gameplay and lists the contents player friends that we have on Facebook. We can train our friends for the good and increase the level of our club. Later we derive revenue from the tickets will also increase along with the club level.

Another way to earn money in the Premier Football is by obtaining sponsors. This way we do not recommend for use, because it requires us to sponsor a particular application installed on your browser or to register paid on an application they provide. Well, sort of sponsorship system in the Premier Soccer is a new way to advertise.

7. Vampire Wars
Vampire Wars describes the life of a unique vampire world and full of mystery. Well, even if viewed-see Vampire Wars still use a similar system-similar to the Mafia Wars game. Fair is the real, which makes wong is also still Zynga. But even applying the same system, gambling or random effects in the Vampire Wars and a little more easily than the Mafia Wars. In essence hell though this game had a similar system-similar to the Mafia Wars, but the feeling when playing it quite differently. Moreover, Vampire Wars game artwork adorned with gothic-style artwork, giving rise to a fairly deep impression of horror. Vampire Wars game is very addictive, especially a few more simplified system than the Mafia Wars. So the game will run slightly faster than Mafia Wars.

Linger play Vampire Wars will cause symptoms of blood thirsty and a little color blind. Loh, how come? Because monitormu screen would be filled with gray, black and red. Hehehe (gak).

8. Kidnap
Kidnap play with your friends on Facebook is very exciting, especially if your friend who tried to kidnap you, even reply to kidnap you. Well might even be a duel between the kidnappers. Kidnap apply the pattern to play a simple but very interesting, especially if you have enough friends list. Imagine, you can kidnap them one by one, or run away from the chase they kidnap you when your friends reply.

At first you can only use four methods to kidnap your friends. Over time as you gain points which you have the abduction method will increase. If Terliht-total there are 40 methods you can use to kidnap your friends.

9. Bowling Buddies
Bowling Buddies is a regular bowling game. What makes this game so highly addictive is its ability to challenge all the friends you have on Facebook. You can only cast a random challenge to your friend on Facebook, or send them to friends you want to go. Bowling Buddies has slick graphics and an interesting song. This game also has hundreds of achievements and controls are fairly easy. Bowling Buddies have ultra smooth 3D graphics for a web game. It seemed nothing could stop us when to play Bowling Buddies except my friends who refused to compete with us for the twentieth time.

Bowling Buddies is a bit less suited to the taste of Indonesia, but try to argue the value with your friends. We guarantee not until half an hour you will forget time, forget the bills cafe, forgot that was in office. For the latter, do not imitate well, except if you want to feel the punishment stand in the corner.

10. Pixel Ranger
If you get bored with serious games like Mafia Wars, Hold'em or Vampire Wars, this game could be an alternative distraction that fit. In this game we will deal with the vicious monsters depicted with pixels. You can fight these monsters by shooting at him with a shotgun you have. But there's one thing you must remember when fighting. The weapons you use to spend life you have, in fact when the dead enemy bullets also dropped the number of lives that you remove in one shot. So count you have to break even or even more, not less or miss.

Pixel Ranger has a ridiculous rankings, from the amoeba, cyborgs, aliens and so forth. Ratings were considered as an evolution in collecting the value of your ability. Later rank whom you have can you show your friends.

Hahaha, well many games on Facebook that funny-funny, interesting and addictive. Well, actually the tenth game in over a lot of that comes from devloper named Zynga and Playfish. So to complement this article, it would not hurt if the two companies have discussed all of our history. Starting from Zynga continue onto Main Fish, er we mean Playfish.

Game on up into the Best

One of the factors supporting the popularity of Facebook is used by Internet users in the world is the existence of the facility to play the game up without having to download and install applications on your computer games.

Especially games that are provided by up so diverse and reach all segments of ages ranging from games for children - children and adults make up as your favorite site to be a hangout for hours - hours.

In addition, the Game up including online gaming, which means each player can interact with other players even though they be in two places far apart. This is one of the main factors of success up hypnotizing the Internet users in the world using web 2.0 technologies are always developed from time to time.

To have a Facebook account before starting to use the game up it was very easy and definitely free. You simply register and producing an account up and then log into your account and gaming applications facebook you are ready to play.

Well ... for those who want to know what games are available in up mainly of the best and lots of fans, please check the following list.

    * Texas Hold'em Poker

A game like in casino gambling poker Las Vegas America but did not use real money but using chips instead of money. But these chips are now reportedly sold on the internet with a price of about Rp.10.000/Million chips.

    * Tower Bloxx

The gameplay is very fun and entertaining as well

    * Crazy Taxi

Experience the thrill of action when your taxi kemudikan jump another vehicle.

    * Word Challenge

A game of Playfish to play with words - words and vokabolari.

    * Bowling Buddies.

A bowling game with 3-dimensional format and form characters that can be changed according to your preferences.

    * Who Has The Bigger Brain

If your smart brains, please play this game to train and hone your brain to be more brilliant.

    * Mob Wars

Build your mafia empire to become a solid mafia network.

    * Pet Society

A game that interact and collaborate with pets.

    * YoVille

World's YoVille you can build a character based on your personality and socializing like in real life.

    * KickMania

For those of you who like to kick ass, this game is for you to play.

Well ... that is up for best game based on the users. To play, please make your facebook account. If you want to play online games more exciting and cool again, it is necessary to try to Point Blank games you can play in the cafe that is closest to your residence.

Sign up for the Best & Entertaining Game

Facebook is a social networking site popular now, once we know Friendster, but after emergence up with various attractive features capable of sinking popularity of Friendster. One of the advantages that make up the main choice is it allows the developers to add applications, either in the form of a quiz, layout up, Badge, Facebook, Twitter and gaming. Apparently a lot of Facebook users are crazy about the game there.

Since these games generally draw up a more exciting and more can be played by friends, family and your relatives or anyone who has an account on Facebook.

10 best games are often played women

Game is not something that is only played by boys. Girls also love to play games. Either type of war game, logic, or about everyday life. Now we'll see what games are often played by girls.

10. Puzzle games (crossword, puzzles, word games, etc)

Most girls like the games that can hone their brains. As sudo, crossword, puzzles, etc.. Games of this type can indeed improve the ability of the brain: angkat_alis:

9. Tetris

Tetris is a classic puzzle game first to remove the ole NES in the 1980s. This game is very popular from the beginning until now. This game has become an alternative if the girl is bored with what he was doing at that time.

8. Card Games
This card game often played by girls. Game one is an alternative pain bored when internet connection slow. Many girls who Maen While waiting for this game fully open its pages.

7. Bejeweled

This game is similar to Tetris. It's just that this use gemstones or diamonds. This game is more interesting because it has beautiful colors.

6. Zoo tycoon 2
Most of the girls is an animal lover. If they do not have real pets, they can take care of a virtual like this game.

5. Sims 2
This game tells the story of everyday life. Games that are relaxed and full of family atmosphere.

4. Dungeon siege 2
This game is an adventure type game. Many monsters and demons that face the street and must be resisted. This game can be played multiplayer

3. Spore

This funny game and allows you to make a spore creature to save the planet. You can create the best spore creatures with a variety of styles. This game can run on almost any computer and is easy to be installed.

4. Sims 3
Sims 3 is the result of an upgrade from the Sims 2. In the Sims 3, many things are updated. More work needs to be completed and must maintain relationships among fellow Sims.

1. World of Warcraft

Well you know, it confused why girls like this one game? : Think:

memangnya just a guy wrote that can play this game. Girls also can lho ... Game on this one favored by the girls because it has an interesting storyline. Plus can help each other even though we do not know who portray the characters in the game.

How? Girls like to play games also turned out right? but if diliat from the beginning till the end, it could be concluded that girls like games that sharpen the brain type and strategy. What about you guys? any kind of game do you like?

51 percent access the online gaming sites

Enchantment of online gaming in the Asia Pacific market was very unusual. There are 51 percent of Internet users in the region who access the online gaming sites. They spent an average of 87 minutes at online gaming sites.

Thus the results of research studies presented comScore about online gaming in Asia Pacific during August 2008, quoted by MarketWatch, Wednesday (15/10/2008).

"The game online is one of the categories of the largest and most interesting sites in the region. It's a good opportunity for many advertisers, "said Will Hodgman, comScore executive vice president of International.
Among the many gaming sites, the site Games didapuk as the most visited sites with a total of more than 44 million visitors during the month of August. In second place is Yahoo! Games with a total 20.2 million visitors, followed by with 20 million visitors. Games also was asked as the most attractive gaming sites on kasawan Asia Pacific, where all visitors on average visit the site for 47 minutes, followed by (38 minutes) and Yahoo Games (35 minutes).

Here are 10 most visited sites, not including those accessible via public computers such as internet cafe or from a mobile phone / PDA.
1. QQ.COM Games
2. Yahoo! Games
4. Nexon Corporation
8. Sina Games

From the study also revealed that China has the highest penetration for access of online gaming. Carrying nearly 55 percent of Internet users in the country's bamboo curtain (approximately 90 million users) who access the online gaming sites.

Singapore followed with a penetration of 50 percent and Australia 45 percent. While India has the lowest penetration with only 27 percent percent.

Access time
Judging from the time, turned out to South Korean Internet users spend the most time on online gaming sites where visitors on average each spent more than 3 hours on that site.

Followed by Taiwan with a record time of 151 minutes per visitor, Hong Kong 143 minutes per visitor and Singapore 140 minutes per visitor.