The Best Game CONTEST

CONTEST! Win Diamonds to Help Your Game!
Are you a fan of Don? Do you enjoy writing? Want to help fellow players (and get rewarded)?

    E36 Team is pleased to announce a new contest for the community Dawn of Nations: The Best Game Guide Contest! We invite all players to write and submit their guides. Winners of the contest will have their game guide:

1) feature on their website at the New Player Guide together with the appropriate authorship credit
2) affixed to the top of the forum Game Guide
3) can be accessed by all the players via a link in the game for two months

If your guide selected as one of the best, you will win the following prizes:

Level 1 Code: 100 diamonds
Level 2 Code: 200 diamonds
Level 3 Code: 300 diamonds


From now on, you can write a guide on one of the following categories. Note that you must close ALL subsections in category guide that will be eligible for the contest. Of course, you can add more subdivision if you like, and in some cases, maybe even better to expand the letter a into smaller parts.

If you have already posted a guide, you can re-use / modify it according to one of the categories below and made him eligible for the contest.

i) Rookie Guide [level 1]
- Introduction
- Rookie Protection
- What does it mean
- How to make the most of
- Basics of Production
- Basic Construction
- Population and Employment
- Reputation and ranking up

ii) Alliance Guide [Level 1]
- Introduction
- Creating / joining the Alliance
- Alliance Management
- Member
- Staff Position
- Diplomacy / War
- United's Offense
- U.S. Defense

iii) 20 questions (with answers) the most often asked by beginners (apart from what should be included in other categories but there is certainly some overlap) [Level 1]

v) Officer Guide [Level 2]
- Introduction
- Role of an Officer
- Recruitment
- Attribute / statistics and the appropriate bonus
- Training replication
- Officer XP, level, and the stars
- Equipment Officer

v) The Battle Guide [Level 2]
- Introduction
- Army and Defense Cities
- Declaration of War
- Scramble vs loot
- Field vs. NPC cities
- Before, During and After the Battle of
- Personal Scores / Honor Points

vi) Guide to Intermediate [Level 3]
- Introduction
- Trade
- Establishing and managing the different cities
- Attack and Defense tactics
- PvP
- Fields
- Three more subsections of your choice *

* These three topics should be of medium level, and are not covered in one other category. Before you begin, you should get the three topics was approved by our staff by emailing cs [at]

When you are finished with your guide, please post in the forum "" Guide before 25 2010 11:59 pm server time in May At the end of the delivery process, the team will choose the E36 best books from each category. There will be six winners in all, one from each category.

a) You can send a guide on more than one category above, although you will only be entitled to one prize.
b) At period end delivery, the categories must have a minimum of three guides in order to be eligible for prizes. Do not worry, if the categories you have less than three guides, you still could be offset with prizes!
c) Be creative! Your guide need not be a manual step-by-step instructions to dry. While it must be factually correct, fun and makes her feel free to add a reasonable amount of color based on your own experience with the game. Tips, tricks, screenshots and helpful suggestions are recommended as well!
d) Ensure that the guidelines properly formatted, properly arranged in sections and subsections, and free from typographical errors. In the case of long, guidelines should be long enough to provide sufficient detail, but not so long ago that rambling and cumbersome to read. If you win, we will have the right to make changes and improvements to ensure proper integration with the rest of the content on our website.

    Good luck to all!